AYC AYC Danışmanlık / Yatırım Destek Danışmanlık Hizmetleri, Ar-Ge ve İnovasyon Hizmetleri, Teknik Destek Hizmetleri, Yaıtırım, Hibe, Teşvik, Destekleme, Danışmanlık, Devlet Destekleri, AB Destekleri, TÜBİTAK Destekleri, IPARD Destekleri, KOSGEB Destekleri, KOBİGEL, Kalkınma Ajansı Destekleri, Ankara, Konya


AYC Consulting Tourism Domestic and Foreign Trade Co. Ltd. has been active in providing consultancy, training, legislation and technical support services to the mainly small and medium-sized enterprise, private sector, public institutions, municipalities, universities, chambers and civil society organizations since 2004.

The main focus of AYC Consulting is investment and investment support services. During the investment decisions process, domestic and foreign investors may need partial information or feasibility reporting services as a whole. In addition to these, in the stage of making strategic decisions such as the evaluation of investment ideas, project selection and selection of investment area, investment partnership and purchasing demands can be made. At these points, AYC Consultancy produces services for Domestic and Foreign Capital Investment Support Services.

Access to Finance is one of the most important topics for investments. AYC Consultancy has an important experience in terms of benefiting from grants provided to investors especially in investment projects within the scope of Access to Finance Services provided to investors. It has produced legislation, project design and project implementation services for IPA Rural Development (IPARD) Program Scope Supports, within the Scope of Rural Development Supports Agriculture Based Investments Support – Economic Investments and Direct Support Fund for Development Agency.

In investments, State Aids, Export Incentives and R&D Supports in investments are also within the scope of AYC Consultancy's Access to Finance Services.

Within the scope of Technical Support Services, these services are provided for different institutions in different title. Until today, services have been produced such as development, competition, R&D, promoting and branding, training, legislation and organization titles.

Another interested working area of AYC is R&D and Innovation. AYC continues to produce that service, which is very important for competition in the sector, with the awareness of the importance of it in the sense of reaching the country targets.

AYC Consultancy continues its activities as a leading company in Investment Consultancy, Access to Finance, R & D and Innovation and Technical Support Services with its 23 years of experience, more than 1,000 service points, 100 thousand project experiences, experienced staff and human resources pool.